Wednesday, September 21, 2016


I've been reading others' manuscripts and putting finishing touches to the contemporary romance which needs a lot of work. But that's been an excuse because I have not felt like visiting my manuscript again to do the edits. I don't know why. It's as though the longer I am away from it the more insecure I feel about it. But, once I start reading it again, I begin to have a little confidence that this is a book worth publishing . . . at least in my mind!

I need to get back to Effie's story and just finish editing it. I want to send it to Jennie Nash's editing company and take up the offer of a discount from the Pitch Wars contest. I know I already have great feedback from my critique group, but I would like to see what feedback I get from a professional organization. Mostly out of curiosity. I am probably going to self-publishing mostly because I don't want to spend more time on the manuscript and so I can get on with book 2. I want to start book 2 with NaNoWriMo this November so I need to get going on the edits! But gardening and harvesting vegetables, etc. is keeping me from the manuscript. The next couple of days it will be rainy, so I won't be tempted to do gardening. But I do have a writing conference to attend on Friday and a meeting with the Saturday Morning group for afternoon tea.

The next step is to get a copy editor and I'm not sure about who to contact. I have lots of people I could ask but it depends on if they have the time.. Even after finishing a manuscript there's still lots to do before the final product appears. With luck I should get it out on Amazon by the beginning of December. Christmas presents anyone?

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