Monday, August 17, 2009

Using Google Maps

I'm trying to use GoggleMaps to chart my trip to Fife. It's still a work in progress but here's the map so far. I will add photos when I get the time.

View Fife Villages in a larger map

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Gardens are not made by singing

Rudyard Kipling wrote "Gardens are not made by singing, "Oh how beautiful," and sitting in the shade." How true! They are a lot of work. Today I have a young man helping to dig up the masses of peppermint that has loved this rainy weather. This afternoon another group of young men with Becky Buxton will come by and help out. Gian and Andrea have helped a lot too. I suppose I could simplify and take out all the roses, etc. but it wouldn't be the English garden that brings me joy in spite of the weeds and tons of work!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Debris in Space

I heard on the news last night that there's an international conference being held in Germany on the topic of debris in space. Apparently there's bits and pieces of old satellites, etc. floating around our planet. Not only do we mess up the ground we live on but we also have to pollute space too.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hope vs grumpiness

A copy of "Insight," the Newsletter of the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, reached my desk today. I liked the quotation from Elder Maxwell so I thought I'd share it in my blog:

"Ultimate hope and daily grumpiness are not reconcilable. It is ungraceful, unjustified, and unbecoming of us as committed Church members to be constantly grumpy or of woeful countenance. Do we have moments of misery or some down days? Yes! But the promise is that Christ will 'lift thee up' (Moroni 9:25). The disciple can note the depressing signs of the times without being depressed. He can be disappointed in people without being offended at life. Thus it is that ultimate hope, if it does not finally dissolve our daily dissapointments, at least puts them in perspective." (Thanksgiving speech, November 26, 1980)